Digital Access

We want to increase self-service, building on lessons from the pandemic, enabling greater responsiveness to people’s needs, improving the customer experience, and enabling us to target finite resources at those that need it most.

Why are we doing this?

Key outcomes include:

  • Increase self-service, building on lessons from pandemic, to target finite resources at those that need it most
  • Digital enabling greater responsiveness to citizen needs with a coherent One Stockport feel, improving experience

How might we do this?

  • Consolidate websites, remove repetition and support ongoing improvements to accessibility
  • Further develop website, chatbot, online forms, automation and push notifications
  • Redesign our online referral routes for an all-age approach to information, advice and guidance
  • Review digital directories and co-produce improvements
  • Promote, enable and support projects that increase digital access

 Please email your comments and suggestions

What impact have we already made?

Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day, a day dedicated to thinking about digital access and inclusion. The internet has become an essential part of our daily lives, however, many people miss out on the opportunities it offers because of barriers to getting...

The impact of digital on health, social care and wellbeing

Dr Chris Nortcliff, GP, is the Digital Lead on the GM Primary Care Provider Board Delivery Team, and the Clinical Lead on the GM Digital First Primary Care Programme. Digital is vitally essential for health. Being online gives people better access to information and...

Leaping across the digital divide in Stockport

Stockport DigiFest 2024 concluded with 'DigiKnow: Leaping Across the Digital Divide', a digital inclusion seminar for more than 100 stakeholders and DigiKnow network partners which fostered wider collaborations across the business, health, voluntary and community...

Updating our website: new brand, better performance, and a lot of TLC.

It’s only through an exceedingly well built web presence that we can provide services which meet user needs better than ever before.This quote taken from a 2018 blog we wrote about the then-new website still very much holds true today. When the new...

Why we can’t let digital by default leave people behind

This week is Get Online Week, and DigiKnow partners are running various sessions and events for people across Stockport to help them learn to do things online. In this blog, Claire Worthington, who runs Village Web Company and is a member of the DigiKnow Alliance,...

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