An iDEA for everyone

An iDEA for everyone

Eighteen months ago, we learned about The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (known as iDEA) through the workshops leading up to the 2nd GM Digital and Tech summit. Recognising its value for our digital inclusion programme, we offered to partner with iDEA and build...
My Royal Appointment

My Royal Appointment

Visiting dignitaries.  Life-saving service men and women.  These are the type of people I’d expect to get invitations to Buckingham Palace; not someone who works in IT.  So when HRH The Duke of York’s office offered a meeting at “your place or mine?” the response...
Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week

Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week

Stockport Council is committed to providing apprenticeship opportunities and has put 144 new apprentices into position during 2017/18. During National Apprenticeship Week we are giving one of the apprentices in our digital team a chance to describe their experience....
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